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COVID-19 Antibody Testing at Modern Vitality Medical Spa

An Akron med spa...testing for COVID-19 antibodies?

Yep, you read that right!!

Coronavirus is just about anything and everything being talked about in the world right now, and it can be super overwhelming. The constant talk of "I wonder if I have been exposed," or "I wonder if that sickness I had a few months ago was COVID-19" have been circling the minds of so many of us.

Thankfully, these questions can be put to rest with the COVID-19 antibody test. By taking the antibody test, you can provide yourself and your family with a bit of peace of mind during this challenging time.

*The antibody test is different than COVID-19 testing. For those who are symptomatic or have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days should not be tested and should remain quarantined*

What is the antibody test?

The COVID-19 antibody test is a simple blood test that identifies if a person has had a previous immune response to the virus. The antibodies are generally detected in the blood several days after initial exposure or infection. If your antibody test comes back positive, this means that you have previously been exposed to the virus, and that your body has built up immunities and antibodies against it. If your test comes back negative, this means that you have most likely not been exposed to COVID-19, and that your body has not build up immunities or antibodies. The antibody test is incredibly important, due to the fact that so many COVID-19 cases showed little to no symptoms at all.

Q & A:

Who makes a good candidate for testing?

If you have not been exposed to someone who has contracted COVID-19 in the past 14 days and are non-symptomatic (cough, feverish, difficulty breathing,etc), you make a good candidate. But please make sure to wear your mask!

Is there anything I need to prepare myself for?

No. This is very non-invasive and will only be detected through a small blood sample from the arm. You will be in and out in a few minutes to go on with your day!

How much will this cost me?

This test will only cost you $99.00 out of pocket. And, if you are adding the antibody test onto another service, you will get the discounted rate of $75.00!

What will the testing look like in the office?

This will be very similar to any other appointment you have scheduled at the spa. You will come in wearing your mask, and will be taken back into one of our rooms. The test will be taken from a small sample of blood from the arm, which we will then send off to the lab to be tested. You will get your results back in 24 hours, or the next business day if you are tested on a weekend!

At Modern Vitality Medical Spa we are happy to be able to give some peace of mind, reassurance and clarity to all of our wonderful clients. If you are interested in antibody testing, would like to schedule an appointment, or have any other questions, please shoot us a text or give us a call at 234-208-6867.

*The antibody test is different than COVID-19 testing. For those who are symptomatic or have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days should not be tested and should remain quarantined*

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